Little Robin Redbreast Poem - English Nursery Rhyme

Little Robin Redbreast is an English language nursery rhyme
This rhyme perfectly sums up the cheeky and bold personality of the Robin Redbreast.

Little Robin Redbreast

Little Robin Redbreast 
    Sat upon a tree; 
Up went Pussy-cat,  
    Down went he. 

Down came Pussy-cat, 
    And away Robin ran; 
Says little Robin Redbreast 
    “Catch me if you can.” 

Little Robin Redbreast 
    Hopped upon a wall; 
Pussy-cat jumped after him, 
    And almost got a fall. 

Little Robin chirped and sang, 
    And what did Pussy say? 
Pussy-cat said “Mew,” 
    and Robin flew away.

The earliest versions of this rhyme reveal a more basic humour. The earliest recorded is from Tommy Thumb's Pretty Song Book (c. 1744), which has the lyric:

Little Robin Red breast,
Sitting on a pole,
Nidde, Noddle, Went his head.
And poop went his Hole!


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