The Fairy Flute - A Poem by Rose Fyleman

Rose Amy Fyleman (1877–1957) was an English writer and poet, noted for her works on the fairy folk, for children.

My brother has a little flute
Of gold and ivory,
He found it on a summer night
Within a hollow tree.
He plays it every morning
And every afternoon,
And all the little singing-birds
Listen to the tune.
He plays it in the meadows,
And everywhere he walks
The flowers start a-nodding
And dancing on their stalks.
He plays it in the village,
And all along the street
The people stop to listen,
The music is so sweet.
And none but he can play it
And none can understand,
Because it is a fairy flute
And comes from Fairyland.

Listen and read along with another of Rose Fyleman's poems here:
Mice by Rose Fyleman


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