Baby and Kids Mozart Classical Music with Calming Love Hearts To Help Relax

This video was made with love for you to enjoy and relax to!

I hope enjoy this relaxing video with cute illustrated love hearts moving and dancing gently to classical music by Mozart. Ideal for baby to watch and help sleep or to play on a whiteboard for classroom calm time to help students to unwind and recharge

Classical music is wonderfully calming and relaxing for any age and also perfect for babies brain development. I hope that you enjoy this video and find it helpful to relax and relieve anxiety or soothe a crying baby 😊

Classical music is wonderful to listen to at any age and older children and adults also benefit from some of the advantages of listening 🎵

The Benefits Include

Relieves pain
studies have shown that listening to classical music helps to soothe both physical and emotional pain

Helps Creativity
Classical music help encourage a creative mindset

Reduces Stress
If you are feeling anxious or stressed listening to classical music helps as the slow tempo is similar to that of the human heart

Calms Children Down
Classical music is ideal for listening to in the classroom as it is so calming. It also encourages creativity and learning so it is perfect to listen to whilst studying

Improves Sleep Quality
A study of people with sleep issues found that listening to classical music before bed significantly helped with quality of sleep. The group in the study found they had better perceived sleep quality, longer sleep duration, less sleep disturbance and less daytime dysfunction

Boosts Brain Development
The music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has been used in many music therapies. The concept of the "Mozart effect" was described by French researcher Dr. Alfred A. Tomatis in his 1991 book Pourquoi Mozart? (Why Mozart?). He used the music of Mozart in his efforts to "retrain" the ear, and believed that listening to the music helped the ear, and promoted healing and the development of the brain.

The music in this video is Eine Kleine Nachtmusik by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


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