Calming Colourful Fish and Jellyfish with Relaxing Ambient Music

I hope enjoy this relaxing video with cute illustrated fish and jellyfish swimming and dancing gently to relaxing ambient music and sounds of the sea. Ideal for baby to watch and help sleep or to play in the classroom at calm time to help students to unwind and recharge

I hope that you enjoy this video and find it helpful to relax and relieve anxiety or soothe a crying baby

Here are some jellyfish facts 😊

A group of jellyfish is called a 'smack' a 'bloom' or 'swarm'

jellyfish have no brains, no hearts and (unlike the jellies in the video) no eyes

A few jellyfish are not mobile, being anchored to the seabed by stalks

Jellyfish have been around over 500 million years, even before dinosaurs

Longnose spider crabs sometimes live inside the bell of the cannonball jellyfish and share their food

The Box Jellyfish is the most poisonous animal in the world

Jellyfish are over 90% water

Jellyfish swim by contracting and expanding their bodies.

The Lion's Mane jellyfish is the largest species.  The largest recorded specimen, found washed up on the shore of Massachusetts Bay in 1870, had a bell with a diameter of 2.3 metres (7 ft 6 in) and tentacles 37 m

Some sea turtles eat jellyfish and can mistake discarded plastic bags or balloons for jellyfish in the sea. This is one reason why it is very important to recycle.

There are many ways you can help make a difference:

  • By picking up litter you find at the beach
  • Use eco friendly alternative's to plastics such as canvas grocery bags. Have a look at this link on Countryfile for some great ideas
  • Get involved in a beach clean-up. Surfers Against Sewage organise some, take a look at this link to find one near you. The National Trust also organise beach cleans
  • If you can't find a beach clean nearby you could also organise your own and get your friends involved 
  • Use environmentally-friendly alternatives to balloons. The Balloons Blow website has a great list of suggestions here 


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